GYN Services

  • Annual Exam
  • Birth Control Counseling
  • Irregular Bleeding
  • Pelvic Pain
  • STD Screening/HPV Testing
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Pelvic Prolapse
  • Fibroids/Cyst
  • Vaginal Infections
  • Adolescent GYN treatment
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy

Annual Exam (Well Women Exam)

An annual exam is a once-a-year visit to your gynecologist for a health check, including a breast exam and pap smear.

Birth Control Counseling

Contraceptive counseling provides education, dispels misinformation, facilitates selection of a method that will be successful for the individual, and encourages patient involvement in healthcare decisions and life goals. Discussing contraception brings the clinician and patient together to create a tailored care plan that meets the individual’s reproductive needs over a lifetime.

  • Liletta
  • Nexplanon
  • Paragard
  • Mirena
  • Bilateral Tubal Ligation

Irregular Bleeding

The medical term for excessive or prolonged vaginal bleeding that occurs at the regular time of the menstrual cycle is known as menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia is the term used to refer to uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected menstrual periods.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is pain or pressure felt anywhere in the abdomen below the navel. It may be intermittent or constant. Many women describe pelvic pain as a dull ache that sometimes includes sharp pains. It can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, lower back pain, and vaginal pain.

STD Screening/ HPV Testing

If you are sexually active, getting tested for STDs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health. Make sure you have an open and honest conversation about your sexual history and STD testing with your doctor and ask whether you should be tested for STDs. If you are not comfortable talking with your regular health care provider about STDs, there are many clinics that provide confidential and free or low-cost testing.

Urinary Incontinence

The loss of bladder control is a common and often embarrassing problem. The severity ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that’s so sudden and strong you don’t get to a toilet in time.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Some women notice nothing at all, but others report these symptoms with pelvic organ prolapse:

  • A feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvic area.
  • A backache low in the back.
  • Painful intercourse.
  • A feeling that something is falling out of the vagina.
  • Urinary problems such as leaking of urine or a chronic urge to urinate


Fibroids are the most frequently seen tumors of the female reproductive system. Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, are firm, compact tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop in the uterus. It is estimated that between 20 to 50 percent of women of reproductive age have fibroids, although not all are diagnosed. Some estimates state that up to 30 to 77 percent of women will develop fibroids sometime during their childbearing years, although only about one-third of these fibroids are large enough to be detected by a health care provider during a physical examination.


Cysts are usually noncancerous and have a sac-like structure that can contain fluid, pus, or gas. Cysts are common and can occur anywhere on the body.

Vaginal Infections

Common causes of vaginal infections include burning, itching, and an unpleasant odor. Overgrowth of these bacteria can cause bacterial vaginosis. Yeast infections: Yeast infections are usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans.

Adolescent Gynecology

Adolescent gynecology is increasingly recognized as an area in which specific knowledge and expertise is required to ensure that patients achieve the best outcome. Gynecological problems in adolescents are common, and although serious pathology is rare, distress and discomfort can be significant. Adolescent girls are under greater pressure than ever before, particularly in terms of examination performance; they find menstrual dysfunction particularly difficult to manage. Careful and sympathetic assessment is crucial, and simple treatment remedies may be all that is required. However, complex and rare medical conditions can also occur and must not be missed. Some congenital disorders present for the first time in adolescence. Early detection and appropriate treatment will ensure the best possible outcomes in terms of sexual function and potential fertility.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy, also known as menopausal hormone therapy or postmenopausal hormone therapy, is a form of hormone therapy which is used to treat symptoms associated with menopause in women.